A little bit about you:

Nehaa Bimal is currently pursuing a major in Journalism with a minor of Digital Humanities. She is a BIPOC journalist, content creator and editor with a mission to "give voice to the voiceless," provide cultural insight, and be a storyteller for others. From human profiles and news reporting to social media campaigns and content creation, I have diverse storytelling skills.

A little bit about your role at PWB:

I manage PWB's social media channels and support campaigns.

What are you most looking forward to in your role? I'm looking forward to expanding my digital storytelling skills, be it editing or shooting video content or improving my social media graphics, as well as building my network amongst other storytellers.

What are you most passionate about? 

Be it covering climate justice issues or writing feature pieces on Indigenous issues, gender inequalities and social problems, I am passionate about the in-depth research I do for my published work and enjoy deep-diving into a variety of topics.

Why is decolonizing photography/​storytelling important to you?

For so long, the narratives of colonized people have been overwritten. It is not often I see reporters who look like me in the Canadian media industry who share a similar cultural backstory, so I love to find that diversity and inclusion in the stories I write instead.

What are your personal goals? How do they align with your work at PWB?

I want to expand my background in digital storytelling, as well as my challenge myself creatively and further educate myself on decolonizing storytelling.



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