About Dannette:

I retired from teaching about six months ago and now have time to volunteer and do what I love most: photography, animals and traveling. My entire life has been devoted to kids and animals. As early as the age of five I would chose to adopt the smallest, weakest, and even the sickest animals, so I could help them survive. I knew then that all animals matter even the most unlikeable ones. I could not always "fix" them, but they taught me about life and how I wanted to treat others. Animals have been my whole life. I can't imagine a life without them. So many times people told me they did not want a pet. It was too much work, until their circumstances changed and a pet was in their life. Only then did they understand how much animals give to you with little in return.

1.  How will your storytelling make a difference in this context?

It is difficult for people to care and understand issues that are not effecting them directly. Photos provide the medium for people to connect and their stories help people understand and want to help. It allows people to connect on a personal level with the communities, workers and animals involved. When you are emotionally invested it creates a need to want to be part of the solution. It might be in the form of financial donations, actively volunteering, providing supplies or in the way adoption. I recently saw this quote on facebook and thought it relevant: "The planet desperately NEEDS more peacemaker, healers, restorers, storytellers and lovers of all kinds". I do not know who the author is, but it runs true now more than eve.

2. How do you believe your photography can make a difference for them? 

I have always tried to find ways to help animals in need, whether it be through donations, fund raising, tending to them, or taking them to a rehabilitation center. I was helping animals on an individual basis. I want to help on a larger scale, with an impact that creates actual change for their future. I can do this by documenting, creating awareness, and sharing Soi Dogs's success stories. I hope that it will educate and empower others to also make changes for the betterment of all animals.

3.  What message would you like to send to your supporters?
Dogs and cats were domesticated by humans. These animals love us unconditionally, even when they are treated poorly. Animals teach us how to care for others, about sickness and death, about forgiveness, and most importantly, how to love. We can make a difference in animals lives and create a sustainable environment where they can live happier, healthier lives.