Stephanie Parker is a photographer storyteller, birth advocate and mother from Alberta, Canada.  She spends her days with her camera in hand, capturing the moments that matter, the ones in between.  Stephanie grew up in rural Alberta and had a strong connection to the earth.  As a mother and storyteller, fighting against social injustice is a large part of her story.  

1.      What makes you motivates you to dedicate your time to this cause?  
I have always had a deeply empathetic heart.  I feel like an especially strong pull to help women and children in need.  My children have made this desire even stronger.  At first, I felt guilty about being away from my children to help other children, but I decided that the very best way to be an example to them to show them that they must do everything they can to help others and follow their hearts.  

2.      How do you believe your photography can make a difference for them?  

I know that photographs can capture emotions and feelings in such a profound way.  Having your story told with empathy and truth is the very best way to be able to spread the word of the work you are doing and the causes that need support.  

3.      What message would you like to send to your supporters? 

Thank you for your support!  We all have our part to play in making the world a better place, and your donations mean the world to me and the cause.